All bids received will be put in priority order to produce a list of eligible applicants for each property advertised.
Bids will be placed in order of priority i.e. from Band A to Band E. Applicants with ‘Plus’ status for Economic/Community Contribution will appear above those applicants with the same level of housing need, i.e. in the same band who cannot demonstrate a economic/community contribution. Where the shortlist contains more than one applicant in a band, the date that the applications were placed into that band will be used to prioritise them. Where properties are targeted at specific customers, they will be given priority for that type of accommodation e.g. accessible accommodation for customers with disabilities or properties in Local Connection areas.
Next we may need to update our affordability or outstanding rent checks etc. to enure that all the information is up to date.
If your name is at the top of the priority list you will normally be invited to view the property unless there are reasons why we can't do this, for example, you have rent arrears or the Council is taking legal action against you for breaching a tenancy condition. If we can't offer the property to the applicant at the top of the list we will move to the next applicant and so on.
If you decide to refuse the property it will be offered to the next person on the priority list.
If you are offered a property, you won't be short listed for other properties until you have decided to either accept or refuse the offer.
If you accept the property we will tell you when it will be ready to move into. As soon as the property is ready you will be given an appointment to view the property with a member of the Lettings Team.