Housing Register Data

The Council is experiencing very high levels of demand for housing, below is some useful information about the numbers of people waiting for homes.


Numbers of Applicants by the property size required (October 24)

 Number of

 bedrooms needed

  Number of Applicants













 Grand Total


Number of Applicants by Band (October 24)

 Priority Band

 Number of Applicants

 Band A


 Band B


 Band C 


 Band D


 Band E


 Grand Total


Average Time (in Days) taken to be rehoused by Band in 2023

 Priority Band

 Average Days to be housed

 Band A

 360 days

 Band B

 460 days

 Band C

 600 days

 Band D

 823 days

 Band E

 538 days


The outcomes of requests for Housing Review are detailed provided on the Feedback pages.


Applicants housed By Band (Lettings January to June 2024) 

Priority Band

 Percentage of Applicants who were housed

 Band A


 Band B


 Band C


 Band D


 Band E
